All posts filed under: International

Intersex Awareness Day 2015: Intersex Stories Not Surgeries

Today, October 26, is Intersex Awareness Day (IAD) 2015! The date marks the anniversary of the first public demonstration by Intersex people in North America in Boston, Massachusetts, 1996. Now, with more people openly out and proud about being intersex, and with Malta becoming the first country in the world to ban surgery on intersex infants, we can see change is happening. However, this is only the start and there is still a long way to go! The stories and experiences of intersex people need to be told and heard for law reform to take place and look after the rights of intersex individuals. Want to get involved in spreading the word? Pidgeon Pagonis, intersex activist, lecturer, artist, consultant and all round amazing human being, is at the head of an online Twitterstorm that will take place over Monday October 26, and Tuesday October 27 (depending on where you are in the world). To be a part history this IAD, all you have to do is pledge HERE for your message on intersex awareness to …

Bi Visibility Day 2015 – Stories of Lived Experience

Today, September 23, is Bi Visibility Day. It’s unfortunate that a day like this has to exist, but the fact remains that bisexual and non-monosexual identifying people often become invisible or ignored in conversations about the LGBTIQ+ community. They often experience biphobia from both queer and straight communities and get labeled as “confused”, “sitting on the fence” and/or “experimenting” amongst other terms which completley invalidate their identity! And so, in the name bringing awareness and sharing stories of lived experiences, take a look at the two videos below talking about bisexuality and pansexuality. The two films were made as part of a larger project called QLives, by QLife Australia. QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI). Their project, QLives, tells the stories of individual LGBTI people, the stories heard every day at QLife. They acknowledges that learning about other people’s stories and experiences can really help put a light on those parts of your own life that you may be struggling with, especially …